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Thursday, November 24, 2011

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Teotronico – A Robot That Can Play Piano

A long time ago we have discussed about the ASIMO (The ultimate humanoid robot) and recently I had to know about another ultimate robot that can play piano.
Teotronico, the ultimate music robot which can play the piano faster than any human, is said to be the only robot in the world capable of continuously singing and playing the piano while assessing whether the audience was impressed. It’s an amazing invention by the Italian named Matteo Suzzi Teotronico.
Teotronico, created by an Italian named Matteo Suzzi Teotronico is claiming that the ultimate musical robot unveiled at Mondo Music and Piano Fayre.
As reported by Orange, on Thursday (10/20/2011) robots are made in Italy at a cost of £ 3,000 or approximately was intentionally made ??with the fruit has 19 fingers.
According to its maker, the ideal number to be able to control the entire fingerboard perfectly and produces exceptional games.
When he plays, the camera in his eye allows him to see and interact with their audience. This robot is also able to change his song choice if they seem not to enjoy the song.
Teotronico intelligence deliberately created to be able to detect important changes suddenly when playing music, such as changes in tone to suit the audience response.
By connecting to a computer, Teotronico capable of playing various genres including classical, blues, jazz and rock